利用小鼠 IL- 2基因构建真核表达质粒 ,筛选的阳性克隆经限制性内切酶酶切鉴定和基因测序 ,结果表明小鼠 IL- 2基因被正确地克隆到 p CDNA3 真核表达质粒上 ;将真核表达质粒 p CD-NA3 IL - 2 ,转化大肠杆菌细胞 ,增菌培养后大量提取 p CDNA3 IL - 2质粒 ,经紫外分光光度计检测其纯度和浓度 ,为加强控制鼠害
The murine interleukin-2(IL-2) is an important immunoregulatory factor that can be used as the immunological adjuvant in mouse model.The murine IL-2 gene has been cloned into eukaryotic express plasmid pCDNA\-3 after identification of recombinant and sequencing.The positive colne is named pCDNA\-3LI-2.This plasmid was turned into E.coll.which was cultured overnight.Then the plasmid was substracted and purificated and the purification and concentration were examined with spectraphctometer.
国家"8 6 3"高技术青年基金
国家自然科学基金 (3996 0 0 4 7)资助