对人体平衡机能的检测和分析是判断人体是否有平衡机能障碍疾病和其平衡障碍程度的重要依据。本文设计了功能齐全、性能优良的人体平衡机能分析检测系统 ,提出了系统软件和硬件的实现方案 ,研制了该系统的样机 ,并进行了初步的临床应用。应用结果表明 ,该系统可以对人体平衡机能进行准确检测和定量分析 ,并可以帮助患者进行康复训练 。
Test and analysis on body balance function is an impor tant judge basis if one has handicap of balance function and the degree of it . It is of great significance to study the theory and development system to t est and analyze balance function of body, which can help doctors find disease of body balance function and treat the patient efficiently. This paper designs a s ystem with complete function and good performance to test and analyze body balan ce and brings out project of software and hardware to develop the system. Prototyp e of the system is made and is used in clinic. Results indicate that body balanc e function can be accurately tested and quantitatively analyzed by the system an d the patient can be helped to heal through training with the system. Design and realization of the system can help doctors to find disease of body balance funct ion and treat the patient efficiently.
Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing