利用随机扩增多态 (RAPD)分子标记技术对 31个杂种马褂木无性系的研究结果表明 ,2 3个随机引物共扩增出 12 8条谱带 ,其中 76条 (5 9.38% )谱带在无性系间呈多态性 ,无性系间的遗传距离最小为 0 .0 813,最大为 0 .35 2 2 ,这说明无性系间的遗传多态性相对较小 ,从而认为在今后杂交工作中应注意扩大亲本的遗传基础。聚类分析的结果证明RAPD指纹图谱在一定程度上反映了无性系间的亲缘关系 ,因此 ,可用于谱系分析。利用所构建的RAPD指纹图谱成功地对各无性系进行了区分 。
Fingerprints of 31 Liriodendron interspecific hybrid clones were constructed with RAPD(Random amplified polymorphic DNA) markers. The 23 primers screened could result in 128 loci, of which 76 (59.38%) loci were polymorphic. The genetic distance between clones ranged 0.081 3~0.352 2 and averaged 0.206 9. This indicated that the genetic diversity within the clones is relatively lower. Therefor, the genetic basis of parents should be broadened in aftertime cross breeding. The results of cluster analysis based on the genetic distance showed that the RAPD fingerprints could reveal the genetic relationship of the clones. And so, it could be used in pedigree analysis. The clones studied were successfully discriminated using the constructed fingerprints which could be of great importance for identification of clone speciality and for defending plant breeders rights.
Journal of Northeast Forestry University