按血清运铁蛋白等位基因频率分析了柴达木黄牛和青海东部黄牛与我国其它地方品种黄牛间的遗传关系,如果发现,黄牛与蒙古牛、延边牛、复州牛、蒙山牛和安西牛等北方品种黄牛的遗传距离最短(0.003 05-0.061 31),且与这些品种牛聚成一个树系。由此将青海黄牛归属于土雷诺-蒙古利亚系统的第一大类无峰牛内。
The genetic distance was estimated and calculated and the cluster analysis was conduted according as the allele frequencies on the transferrin locus among Chaidamu and Qinghai cast yellow cattle and other internal local breeds of yellow cattle. The results were that the genetic distance among Qinghai yellow cattle and northem local breed of yellow cattle (Menggu, Yanbian, Fuzhou, Mengshan, Anxi ) were the shortest (0. 00305 - 0. 0613 ); Qinghai yellow cattle and northern local breeds of yellow cattle were gathered in a tree system. Thus, Qinghai yellow cattle was belong to group I (humpless) in system I (Bos toranomongolian).
Chinese Qinghai Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences