在适宜的病毒侵染条件下 ,对将PLRV抗性引入高度抗PVX、PVY的CIP家系群体 ,经 1998~ 2 0 0 0年大田暴露试验 ,在我国首次进行了PLRV抗性分离、薯块形成评价和单株筛选鉴定 ;同时通过亲本在PLRV抗性、产量构成因素方面的方差分析和一般配合力测定 ,表明后代对PL RV的抗性主要来源于母本 。
CIP families with high virus resistance were introduced into China in 1998 and evaluated for their resistance to PLRV as well as their tuberization under conditions of PLRV infection from 1998 to 2000.Clones were selected and identified.ANOVA and GCA estimation of parents -showed that both male and female influenced the yield performance of experimental materials and female progenitors had greater effect on resistance to PLRV infection.$$$$
Chinese Potato Journal
CIP项目编号 :0 3 0 5 0 3