1999年 1~ 12月 ,在全省七市、县设立 31个调查点 ,进行了辽宁省羊寄生虫的区系调查。经调查 ,了解了我省羊体内、外寄生虫的种类 ;优势虫种及其消长规律。体内寄生虫的优势虫种是肝片形吸虫和消化道圆形线虫 ;体外寄生虫的优势虫种是蜱和螨。肝片形吸虫和消化道圆形线虫的排卵高峰期在 3,7和 11月份。在排卵高峰期前的 2、6和 10月末 ,用阿维菌素以 0 .2 m g/ kg体重剂量口服 ,7天后 ,再用丙硫苯咪唑以 10 m g/ kg体重剂量口服。用这两种药物复合应用进行驱虫 。
The investigation of the parasites' fanua of sheep in Liaoning province was undertaken from thirty one investigation sites of seven counties during January and December of 1999. The species, dominant species and dynamic regularity of parasites of sheep in vivo and in vitro were known in the survey. The dominant species of parasites of sheep in vivo were fasciola hepatica and strongylus vulgaris in digestive canal. The dominant species of parasites of sheep in vitro were ticks and mites. The peaks of ovulation of fasciola hepatica and strongylus vulgaris in digestive canal were March, July and November. In the end of February, June and October before the peaks of ovulation, avermectins were administrated with the dose of 0.2mg/kg in oral administration in sheep. After seven days, albendazoles were administrated with the dose of 10mg/kg in oral administration in sheep. The significant benefits of economy and society were made by using these two drugs to dispel worm together.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Parasitology