目的 :对 11种常用消毒剂灭真菌效果进行评价。方法 :将各种消毒剂配成 3种浓度 ,与 3种真菌作用 5个时间段 ,依次划种于沙堡氏培养基 ,培养 7d后观察有无真菌生长。结果 :5 %甲酚皂、0 5 %新洁尔灭、95 %乙醇、10 %甲醛、1∶2 5石炭酸、1%过氧乙酸、0 1%洗必泰、0 2 %三氯异氰尿酸钠、1%高锰酸钾 9种消毒剂 10min能有效杀灭真菌 ,戊二醛、聚维酮碘灭真菌效果不佳。结论 :11种常用消毒剂中大部分对真菌有不同程度的杀灭作用 ,但有效浓度明显高于常规使用浓度。
OBJECTIVE:To evaluate effect of 11 regular disinfectants killing fungi. METHOD:Each disinfectant was prepared as three density solutions and colonies of three fungi were put in the three solutions.Fungi were incubated in culture media after 10 min,30 min,2 h,6 h and 24h respectively.Fungus growth was observed after 7 day cultare.RESULTS:Fungi were effectively Killed in solutions of 5% cresol,0.5% bromogeramine,95% alcohol,10% formaldehyde,1∶25 carbolic acid,1% peracetic acid,0.1% chlorhexidine,0.2% fichlor 60 s and 1% potassium Permanganate,but fungicidal effect was not good for glutaral and povidone iodine.CONCLUSION:Most of regular disinfectants has fungicidal effect,but effective concentration is much higher than routine use.
Jiujiang Medical Journal