卡兹克阿尔特断裂带是帕米尔和天山新生代造山带间一个重要的活动构造边界 ,通过对其活动构造特征的详细地质调查和大比例尺填图 ,可将卡兹克阿尔特断裂带进一步划分为吉勒格由特断裂带、乌恰地震断裂带和木什断裂带 3段。吉勒格由特断裂带的地表破裂为一系列的断层陡坎和偏转的冲积扇 ,经过别尔托阔依河出山口处时 ,切割了T1至T3堆积阶地。断裂带在T1、T2 和T3阶地的断层陡坎高度分别为 0 67m、3 90m和 36 5 0m。对采自T2 阶地顶部和底部的粉砂样品进行光释光测年 ,测定的初步结果分别为 890 0aBP和 10 5 0 0aBP ,因此对T3、T2 阶地以来的滑动速率估计分别约为 3 5mm a、0 8mm a。断裂的前缘开挖的探槽揭示出全新世以来有 4次古地震活动。乌恰地震带主要切割克兹勒苏河的T3阶地后缘 ,沿断裂带分布有大小不等的断塞塘和断层陡坎。 1985年 8月 2 3日在乌恰地震带上发生MS7.4地震 ,地震最大位错为1 5m。根据断层陡坎计算出断裂的滑动速率约为 0 5 4mm a。卡帕河的东岸探槽同样揭示出有4次古地震活动。在乌恰地震带的东端 ,木什断裂带地表长度约 6km ,由数十条左阶排列的反向断层陡坎 (坡向北 )组成 ,沿这些断坎多处可见冲沟被断错 ,横跨断层陡坎的探槽揭示出 3次古地震活动。
Kazkeaerte fault zone is active thrust fault and an important boundary between Pamirs and Tianshan Cenozoic mountain belts in western Tarim Basin. Kazkeaerte fault zone can be divided into three segments:Jilekeroute fault zone, Wuqia earthquake fault zone, Mushi fault zone after geological investigating and mapping along its frontier. Jilekeroute fault incises the terrace of Bietokuoyi river from T 1 to T 3. Surface rupture mainly consists of a series of faulting traces such as scarps and alluvial fan. The height of fault scarp on T 1,T 2 and T 3 is 0.67m, 3.90m, 36.50m, respectively. The samples, collected from the near surface and the bottom of T 2, were dated 8900 a BP, 10500 a BP by optical stimulated luminescence dating, respectively. Therefore, the estimated slip rate is about 3.5mm/a for T 3 and about 0.8mm/a for T 2. A trench on the frontier of fault zone indicated at least four paleoearthquak activities since Holocene. Alluvial fan in the low plate of fault zone is overlapped and deviated in a sense. A large earthquake(M S=7.4)occurred in Wuqia earthquake fault zone on Aug. 23,1985 and 20 days later a strong aftershock (M S=6.8)took place in the same area. The maxim displacement is about 1.5m during the earthquake. Wuqia earthquake fault zone mainly incised the back edge of T 3 of Kezilesu River. The estimated slip rate of fault is about 0.54mm/a. There are a lot of rupture scarps and sag ponds with different size along the fault zone. The trench near the eastern bank of Kapaka River suggested four paleoearthquake activities. On the east of the Wuqia earthquake fault zone, the Mushi fault zone is about 6 km long at the surface and composes of tens of en echelon scarps. Many late Holocene dry gullies have been thrusted. A trench across the scarps shows three paleoearthquake events.
Earthquake Research in China
地震科学联合基金 ( 1990 63 )资助