通过对延长硅橡胶低密度烧蚀材料体系施工期的研究 ,发现酸酐固化剂可以将环氧改性硅橡胶低密度烧蚀材料的施工期延长到 2 4h以上 ,从而可能实现真空热压罐大面积灌注低密度烧蚀材料的成型工艺。通过对固化材料进行红外分析 ,发现加入酸酐固化剂后并未改变硅橡胶和环氧树脂各自的反应 ,没有新的反应特征峰出现 ,说明环氧和硅橡胶之间无反应 ,只是物理共混 。
Through investigation of extending the pot life of low density ablative materials with matrix of epoxy resin modified silicone rubber, it is found that acid anhydride, the curing agent of epoxy, can extend its pot life to more than 24h, which makes it possible to use autoclave process to fill honeycomb with the low density ablative materials on a large area. Even then, It is indicated, by IR analysis of cured materials, that the acid anhydride can not alter respective reactions of silicone rubber and epoxy resin curing systems because there are no new reactive characteristic peaks observed, which accounts for no reaction and just physical mixture between the two resin systems. This is also approved by SEM examination of tensile specimen fracture sections, as a sea island microstructure is observed.
Aerospace Materials & Technology