目的 :探讨放射性核素局部脑血流 (rCBF)断层显像在儿童癫中临床应用的价值。方法 :2 0 8例癫患儿行rCBF显像 ,并与EEG、CT及MRI对照。结果 :SPECTrCBF显像、EEG、CT及MRI对儿童癫病灶的检出率分别为 67 7%、81 6%、2 2 0 %及 2 5 4% ,rCBF显像定位比EEG精确 ,癫病灶多见于顶、颞及基底节。结论
Aim:To study the clinical value of radionuclide regional cerebral blood flow tomography in pediatric epilepsy. Methods:208 pediatric patients with epilepsy underwent rCBF imaging. The results of imaging were compared with EEG, CT and MRI.Results:The sensitivities in localizing abnormalities with SPECT, CT, MRI and EEG are 67 7%, 22%, 25 4% and 81 6% respectively. It was more accurate in identifying seizure foci with SPECT than that with EEG. There were more seizure foci in parietal, temporal and basal ganglia than those in other fosse. Conclusion:rCBF imaging provides the useful imformation for us to more accurate diagnosis epilepsy and localizing seizure foci.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Neurosciences