目的 介绍当前对晚期肝肿瘤的治疗进展。 方法 综述了有关文献报道及作者的临床经验。 结果 通过选择适当的病例进行扩大的联合肝肿瘤整块切除 ,诱导肝实质代偿性增生 ,将晚期无法切除的肿瘤转变为可切除 ,实施肝移植和作细胞减数手术配合全身化疗 ,可以扩大肝脏手术切除的应用范围。使用适当的新型相关辅助治疗能进一步提高肝切除治疗局限性晚期肝肿瘤的疗效。 结论 治疗方法的最新进展已不同程度地提高了肝细胞性肝癌。
To review the recent developments in the management of advanced liver cancer. [WT5HZ]Methods[WT5”FZ] The review is based on literature search and author′s clinical experience. [WT5HZ]Results[WT5”FZ] The limits of liver surgery have been extended by performing aggressive en bloc resections, inducing compensatory hypertrophy of liver remnant, downstaging unresectable tumors to become resectable, employing liver transplantation and performing cytoreductive surgery in selected patients followed by additional systemic therapy. The use of appropriate neoadjuvant and adjuvant therapies further improves the results of liver resectional surgery for locally advanced disease. [WT5HZ]Conclusion[WT5”FZ] New developments have been used with varying degrees of success in hepatocellular carcinoma, in other primary liver cancer, and in metastatic liver cancer.
Chinese Journal of Surgery