对用微生物发酵法提高柑桔渣中粗蛋白含量的菌种进行了筛选。结果表明 :三种菌种混合发酵优于单一菌种 ,以白地霉、假丝酵母和康宁木霉按 1∶ 1∶ 1比例为最佳 ,发酵后产物的粗蛋白含量可由 5 .3%提高到1 1 .2 %。
The screening test of starter culture for raising the content of coarse protein in citrus meal using formented method has been made.The result show that using three strains mixed fermentation is better than the single one,and the appropriate ratio of Cadida vulgaris,Geotrichum candidum and Trichoderma is 1∶1∶1 .Through fermentation, the content of coarse protein in production has been raised from5.3% to 11.2%.
Journal of Henan Vocation-Technical Teachers College