分析了我国现行住宅供热系统普遍存在的问题 ,如水力失调 ,冷热不均 ,能源浪费及收热费难等。针对按户计量收费的要求 ,以便实现节能目的 ,本文提出了增设跨越管和热表 ;增设跨越管、温控阀和热表 ;及增设跨越管和温控阀等三种旧有单管系统的改造方案 ,并提供了如在单元楼梯间设置管道井 ,下供下回 ,每户有独立的供回水管的新双管系统 ;地板辐射换热采暖系统 ;每户采用家庭锅炉的独立采暖系统等几种适合新建建筑计量收费的节能供暖方式。
The problems in the current residential heating systems are analyzed, including hydraulic misadjustment, poor heating quality, difficulties in heat fees collection and energy waste, etc. From the principles of market economy and energy efficiency , this paper presents improvements on the existing heating systems and innovations for the heating systems to be built in the future, in accordance with the technical requirements of household metering and cost allocation.
Journal of Luoyang Institute of Technology