企业文化融思想道德、价值观念、行为方式和生产经营于一体 ,如何创建具有中国特色的社会主义企业文化 ?文章认为首先要解决认识问题 ,正确评价企业文化建设的作用 ,与此同时 ,在分析我国企业文化建设现状的基础上提出了切实可行的对策 ,具有重要的现实指导意义。
The corporate culture includes morality, value concept, modes of conductand production management. To establish the socialistic corporation culture in China, it is of greatimportance to call people's attention to the function of the corporntion culture construction. In this article practical measures have been put forward to help with the construction of corporate culture in China.
Journal of Jiaxing University