形体结构是绘画艺术中最具辩证关系、最具隐喻倾向 ,也是最见功力的部分。艺术家从不同的对象、不同的形体当中提取不同的形体意韵 ,或平滑圆润 ,或结实浑厚 ,或精致严谨 ,或粗犷洒脱 ,无不体现着艺术家个性的审美倾向及独具匠心。
Shape structure is the most dialectical, most metaphorical, and mostartistical part in the art of painting. From various objects or bodies, the artistbuilds up different senses of shapes, some smooth and mellow, some solid and full, some delicate and fine, some tough and unaffected, all of which embodies theindividual aesthetic taste and craftsmanship of the artist.
Journal of Jiaxing University