
部分压开井渗流井底瞬时压力计算 被引量:3

Computation Transient Pressure for Partial Open Vertical Fracture Wells
摘要 论文将实际的垂直裂缝井简化成裂缝高度小于地层有效厚度的矩形 ,在此基础上采用乘积解给出该问题渗流的地层压力及井底瞬时压力 .使用Laplace变换技术 ,给出考虑井筒存储及表皮系数的部分压裂垂直裂缝井在Laplace空间上的井底压力解 。 A new analytic solution, based on a product of Gree n function, is developed to study the transient behavior of a well intercepted by a partially open vertical fracture. The solution simplifies an actual vertic al fracture into a rectangle its height being smaller than the formation thickne ss. The dimensionless pressure distribution and transient pressure in the wellbo re are obtained by means of Laplace transform. The solution accounts for skin an d wellbore storage in Lplace space. The dimensionless pressure and its derivativ e of partially open vertical fractures with dimensionless storage constant and s kin are obtained by Laplace numerical inversion. The analytic solution accuratel y predicts the short time wellbore flow and pressure responses of a hydraulical ly fractured well. These solutions show explicitly the simultaneous influence of wellbore storage and half length of fractures.
出处 《中国科学技术大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第4期443-447,469,共6页 JUSTC
基金 大规模计算工程软件系统的基础理论与实施 973(G19990 32 80 5 )资助项目
关键词 垂直裂缝井 部分压裂 瞬时压力 水力压裂 油气藏 井底压力 计算 well-testing of vertical fracture partial open transient pressure
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