TCP协议是目前互联网上广泛使用的数据传输协议 ,当它用于卫星网络环境时 ,由于受时延、带宽等因素的影响 ,协议传输效率明显下降。介绍了为适应卫星网络环境对 TCP协议机制的一些改进 ,和一种专为卫星环境而设计的卫星传输协议—— STP。通过模拟实验对几种协议实现方案的性能进行了分析和比较。实验结果表明 :STP协议不仅具有较高的前向吞吐量 ,而且需要的反向信道带宽更少 。
TCP is a reliable transport protocol tuned to perform well in traditional networks made up of wired links with stationary hosts. It encounters many problems in the satellite environment, causing degraded performance. In this paper, some modification schemes to TCP and a new satellite protocol just designed for satellite network are introduced. Simulations and experiments are implemented to compare the performance of three of these schemes. The results show that STP can provide higher forward throughput with less reverse bandwidth.
Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)