

The Theoretical Thought on Carrying Out the Strategy of "Attracting the Eastern Areas and Developing the Western Areas
摘要 在西部大开发和全球经济一体化的经济形势下 ,河南省委、省政府审时度势 ,不失时机地提出了“东引西进”战略。“东引西进”是我省积极参与西部大开发的需要 ,是立足河南实际 ,参与国内外两个市场竞争 ,促进河南经济发展的现实选择。目前 ,条件具备 ,时机成熟 ,使得这项战略实施具有实际可能。政府和企业一要苦练内功 ,齐心协力 ,抢抓机遇 。 In the economic situation of developing the western areas on a large scale and economy integration of the whole world, Henan Provincial Party Committee and Government, judging the hour and sizing up the situation, lose no time in putting forward the strategy of 'Attracting the Eastern Areas to Develop the Western Areas',which means to make the most of the superiority of Henan province and attract advanced technology, management experience and system of eastern areas of China to develop the western areas of China. The strategy of 'Attracting the Eastern Areas to Develop the Western Areas' is the demand for our province participating actively in the development of the western areas of China and also an actual choice of being based on Henan's actual conditions, participating in the competition of both domestic and international markets and promoting the economic development of Henan province. At present, both conditions and time have matured, which makes it practically possible to carry out the strategy. Therefore,both government and enterprises have to make great efforts to catch hold of opportunities and attract the eastern areas to develop the western areas.
作者 完士伟
出处 《周口师范高等专科学校学报》 2001年第3期68-70,共3页 Journal of Zhoukou Teachers College
关键词 东引西进 河南 经济发展 产业结构 发展战略 制度创新 attracting the east and developing the west Henan province strategy thought
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