《广韵》颁行 31年之后又出现一部大型官修韵书《集韵》。二者虽处同一朝代 ,时间相隔不远 ,但在收字归韵、编写体例以及反映出的语音特征却表现出相异之处。作者从韵类的角度入手 ,通过《集韵》与《广韵》韵类的对比 ,揭示《集韵》在收字归韵上的某些特征 。
Ji Yun,another huge official-ordered phonological book,came into being after thirty one years since Guang Yun was compiled.These two books are the same dynasty and it is not long between the time of JiYun's being compiled and that of GuangYun's,but there are many defferences between JiYun and Guang Yun in collecting words,stylistic regulations for compilation and phonetic characteristic.This article discloses some characteristics of JiYun from the angle of tryme classification by contrast between JiYun and GuangYun.And then,it studies the reason of becoming this situation.
Journal of Zhoukou Teachers College