单站精密定位 (PrecisePointPositioning ,以下简称PPP)是在同时固定GPS精密星历和卫星钟的前提下 ,利用载波相位和伪距资料进行单台站的精密点定位 .采用该方法时不同台站之间不存在共同的待估参数 ,即各台站互不相关 ,这一特点大大降低了计算量 .采用美国喷气推进实验室JPL发展的数据处理软件GIPSY处理APSG联测资料 ,计算表明PPP的重复率相当于目前国内普遍采用的双差解算结果 .采用较好保持地面网构型的无基准算法 ,计算表明通过Helmert参考系转换后 ,PPP的解算结果与双差算法的外符精度大致相当 .解算表明 ,采用PPP处理 1 0 0个台站约需 3 .5小时 ,而处理同样的资料采用双差算法则需 1 8~2 0小时 .对于我国即将建成的大科学工程或地震监测的多达 2 0 0 0个接收机的GPS网而言 。
The scheme PPP of GPS analysis, precise point positioning, determines the position of individual receiver using both the carrier phase and pseudo range data, with the precise ephemerides and clock parameters fixed. No parameter common to any two receivers helps to eliminate the correlation, and consequently the computation burden is reduced considerably. We apply the GIPSY, a GPS analysis software developed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA, to the analysis of the APSG (Asia Pacific Space Geodynamics Program) GPS campaigns. The repeatability of PPP solutions is at the same level of that obtained with GAMIT, which is popular in China and uses double difference data. For maintaining the better site configuration, the no fiducial method is used. After transforming to ITRF96, the errors of PPP are at the same level of that obtained with GAMIT. However, about 3.5 hours is needed to process data of 100 sites with PPP method while it takes 18 20 hours to process the same data with double difference (d d) method. With the coming deployment of more than 2000 GPS receivers in China, PPP will prove to be the proper scheme in the sense that it saves computation resources and time under the same precision as d d method.
Acta Astronomica Sinica
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