1 996年 5月~ 1 997年 2月对厦门市同安湾潘涂垦区两口虾池及进水渠道的Chla、COD和DIN、DIP等生态因子进行调查 .结果显示虾池内DIN、DIP含量低于邻近内湾 ,Chla和COD高于邻近内湾 ,池内各生态因子处于相对稳定的平衡状态 ,而邻近内湾则呈现较严重的富营养化现象 .本文讨论对虾病害与横向感染的相互关系以及台风期间虾池水质管理的应急措施 .
From May 1996 to February 1997,some ecological parameters of two shrimp ponds and inflow channel were surveyed in Pantu cultivation area in Xiamen. The results showed the nutrient contents(DIN?DIP) were lower than that in neighboring bay,while the Chl a content and COD value were higher than that in neighboring bay. Every ecological parameter in shrimp ponds was in relatively stable balance state, but very serious eutrophication phenomena existed in neighboring bay. This paper discussed the relationship between shrimp disease and cross infection, as well as the emergency measures to management of water quality in shrimp ponds during typhoon.
Journal of Oceanography In Taiwan Strait