慕蠡洞洞穴是继宜兴善卷洞、张公洞、灵谷洞之后开发的又一个旅游洞穴 ,从该洞的洞穴发育分区、形成原因、岩溶现象以及溶洞堆积物质及其环境变化等特征分析 ,该洞为堆积物充填后重新活动的一个全充型复活溶洞 (指全部被堆积物充填以后重新活动的溶洞 ) ,对它的研究不仅丰富和充实了洞穴学的内容 ,而且为这类溶洞地区寻找岩溶地下水具有重要的实际意义。
Muli Cave is the newly exploited tourist site following the Shanjuan Cave, Zhanggong Cave and Linggu Cave in County YiXing. By studying the characteristics of this cave such as the different development subareas, the causes of formation, the karst phenomena, the cave accretion and the environmental variation, it is known that this cave is a full filled reviving karst cave that revives after it had been fully filled by the accretion. This study not only enriches the content of the speleology, but also is of important practical significance in search of the underground water in karst cave areas.
Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology