在海南省 1:2 5万SOTER数据库的支持下 ,根据联合国土地评价框架的有关原则和概念 ,选取海南省 4种热带作物建立了 8种评价模型 ,运行ALES评价系统 ,得出不同气候条件下、不同土地利用状况下SOTER单元上作物适宜性评价指数 ,将此评价指数与GIS相连 。
A SOTER-based, automatic procedure for qualitative land evaluation is developed. This procedure was created in the Automated Land Evaluation System.The objective was to design a procedure that allows for a quick separation of potentially suitable from non-suitable SOTER units for the intended land use,indicating constraints to different kinds of land use. Different kinds of land are unequal1y suited to various uses,Land eva1uation is the assessment of the suitability of a tract of land for a specified kind of land use.1n practice this implicates the comparison(matching)between the requirements of a specified land use and the properties of the land.Land evaluation concepts and definitions are treated in the paper. The ALES is a computer program that allows land evaluators to build their own knowledge-based system with which they can compute the physical and economical suitability of map units in accordance with FAO Framework for Land Evaluation. The ALES program works with so called decision trees,being hierarchical multiway keys in which the leaves are results(e.g.severity levels of land qualities),and the interior nodes of the tree are decision criteria(e.g. 1and characteristic values).These trees are traversed by the program to compute an evaluation using actual land data for each map unit.SOTAL is a SOTER-based,qualitative model developed in ALES for physical land evaluation in which presently two land utilization types (LUTs)are distinguished,cultivated banana and mango both under different input and technology conditions.These LUTs are characterized by 11 landuse requirements and evaluated by matching the land use requirements with the corresponding land qualities.The paper elaborates on the criteria used in SOTAL for land quality assessment and how a final suitability rating is achieved on the basis of the rated land qualities?Results are visualized through G1S-generated maps as products in response to the specific information and data needs of decision and policy makers.
Scientia Geographica Sinica
UNDP(CPR 96 10 5 )援助
国家自然科学基金 (4983 10 0 4)资助项目