采用SBR法处理桂林市酱料厂的生产废水 ,当进水CODCr和色度分别在 1 40 0mg/L和 1 0 0 0倍时 ,SBR池的出水CODCr和色度分别在 1 0 0mg/L和 5 0倍以下 ,出水指标达到《国家污水综合排放标准》 (GB 8978-1 996)一级标准。经过近一年半时间的连续运行结果表明 :处理效果稳定 ;运行费用低 ;产泥量低。
Treating wastewater form Jam Mill Factory in Guilin with SBR process,COD Cr and colority of inlet wastewater are no more than 1 400 mg/L and 1000 respectively,the COD Cr and colority of effluence are under 100 mg/L and 50 respectively, and all indicatrixes of the effluent are low enough to meet the guideline of class I required by the National Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standards (GB 8978-1996 ).The result with the continuously operation over one and half years shows: the process has stable treatment effect; low operating cost;low output of sludge.
Journal of Guilin University of Technology
桂林市环境保护局综合治理基金资助项目 ( 1998- 99)