合流制排水系统改造是旧城改造建设与城市水环境保护的重要环节。为保护环境 ,节约资金 ,博罗旧城改造拟分期对直排式合流制排水系统进行改造。近期沿北门河埋设污水干管进行截污 ,截流倍数n0 =3 ;中期埋设雨水干管 ,对解放路沿线的雨污合流管进行改造 ,把原有合流制排水系统作为南北向污水支干管 ;后期建设雨水支管 ,进行雨污分流。
The remake of combined sewer system is an important key link of old city proper remake and water environmental protection in city. For protecting water environment and saving money, the combined sewer system will be remade by stages. In the near future, the sewer mains will be buried along Beimen river, wastewater will be caught by the sewer mains at the same time and n 0=3. Moreover, rainwater mains will be buried, too. The combined sewers along Jiefang Road will be remake into separated sewer submains. Lastly, rainwater subpipe will be buried, rainwater and wastewater will be completely separated.
Journal of Guilin University of Technology