本文根据中介语语料库数据 ,对外国留学生在读音规则形声字和不规则形声字的错误进行了对比分析。结果显示 ,国籍 (母语 )和HSK等级和留学生形声字的掌握有密切的关系 ;外国留学生对规则字和不规则字的学习掌握没有差别 ,表明他们对规则和不规则字具有同样的依赖字形信息的加工策略 ,这一点符合直通模型的假设 ;欧美和韩国留学生在不成字部件构成的汉字上的错误率高于成字部件构成的汉字 。
The present study focuses on the Chinese phonogram learning of foreign students. By comparing and analysing their errors of regular characters and irregular characters based on the data from the interlanguage corpus, we have drawn the following conclusions: 1) the foreign students' learning of Chinese phonograms has a lot to do with the students'nationalities and their HSK grades. 2) The fact that there are no differences between the learning strategy of regular characters and that of irregular characters, and that the orthographic strategy is used in both cases supports the Direct Access Model. 3) English Chinese and Korean Chinese bilinguals make more errors in non character compound characters than in character compound characters. This partially supports the hypothesis that foreign students use the orthographic information to process the phonograms.
Language Teaching and Linguistic Studies
国家社科基金项目资助 (项目号 :99BYY0 14)