20世纪 8 0年代是当代先锋小说竞相上演的年代 ,它们在不停的花样翻新中实现着对传统和常规的超越与解构。然而要么是形式技巧上的局部挣脱 ,要么是观念意识内在逻辑的自我悖反。带有一定实验性的先锋文学一直处于一种尴尬的境地 。
The poetic 80's is an era in which pioneering novels fall over each other in their performance, overpass and deconstruct the traditional convention by means of unceasing renewal. However, due to the partial self\|free struggle over form and skill, or the logic self-contradiction in the notion of consciousness, the pioneering novel, as a form of experimental literature, is in an awkward situation, fails to extricate itself from constant companion of bewilderment on its cautious or joyous journey of breakthrough.
Journal of Hangzhou Teachers College(Humanities and Social Sciences)