契诃夫的早期小说特别注重文体 ,对话体和戏剧体成为契诃夫独特的叙事方式。契诃夫小说与戏剧的联系 ,还表现在情节和叙事结构上的戏剧化 ,尽力追求文本的戏剧效果。契诃夫的中后期小说更重视叙述视角的转换 ,常常呈现出第三人称全知叙述和第一人称限知叙述相互交叉的复杂的叙事格局。在时空观上 ,契诃夫时而淡化时空 ,时而又严守时序 。
Literary form plays an important role in the early novels of Chekhov.A mixture of dialogue and dramatic action forms the basis of Chekhov's unique narrative style.The connection between Chekhov's novels and his plays is demonstrated in the dramatic,fast paced style of his plots and narrative structure.He makes great efforts to achieve dramatic results through his literary style.Chekhov's middle and late period novels make more use of changes in the narrative viewpoint. He frequently employs a complicated narrative structure,with a third person ominiscient narrator juxtaposed with a first person narrator who knows only part of the plot.In terms of spatial and chronological organization,sometimes Chekhov weakens the importance of time and space references,and at other times adheres to a strict chronological and spatial order.Such features exemplify the multi faceted and innovative nature of his narrative style.
Journal of Jiaying University