史学界对陈独秀家庭伦理思想的研究仍是一个空白点。过去的理论研究及传记文学作品中虽有涉及此问题的意图 ,但大多是进行带有贬低意味的着墨描写 ,缺乏科学性、公正性、严肃性。陈独秀在批判旧的家庭礼教的同时 ,提倡个人本位 ,并主张以法制为本位 ,以实利为本位 ,冲破封建儒教的束缚 ,追求一种崭新自由的婚姻家庭生活 。
CHEN Du xiu was an earthshaking personage of the modern and contemporary history in China.However,historians' research into CHEN Du xiu's thought on family ethics is still a blank.A few theorical researches and biographies had touched upon it,but they were depreciating and they were short of scientific fair and solemn attitude.CHEN Du xiu criticized the old confucian family.At the same time,he advocated personal standard.So he advocated that we should shake off the yoke of the feudal ethical code to seek a new and free marriage and family life.His theory and practice had push forward the modernization of Chinese family ethics.
Journal of Xinyang Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)