本文反思和体认了解放区喜剧民族化的艺术价值。认为解放区喜剧消解了二三十年代喜剧的欧化色彩 ,同时借鉴古典戏曲和民间艺术的审美要素与表现手段。在题材主题、人物塑造、冲突建构、文本语言等方面重构现代喜剧的民族化 ,为创建现代化、民族化的喜剧提供了宝贵的经验教训。
The value of the comedy in the liberated area is relfected and confirmed in this thesis .The Europeanized flavour of the liberated area had been dismantled in 1920s and 1930s.By using the expression technique of the classic drama and that of the folk art,the comedy in the liberated area make theme?characters?language and conflicts nationalized,and it prove to be the precious experience in the process of nationalization and modernization of comedy.
Journal of Fujian Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition