从明末至民国初年 ,基督教在中国的传播与中国本土民间信仰发生严重的矛盾和冲突。本文认为 ,中西文化传统的歧异是双方冲突的症结 ;从文化人类学的角度而言 ,双方在乡土社会中的权力建构也是产生冲突的一个重要原因 ;同时 。
During the period from the Late Ming Dynasty to the early of the Republic of China,the dissemination of christianity in China conflicted with Chinese popular faiths fiercely. This paper holds that the main cause of the contradiction lay in the different cultural tradition. From the point of anthropology,their authority building in the society of native soil was also a vital factor. Meanwhile,from the Late Qing to the Republic of China,the invasion of the west powers strengthened the contradiction.
Journal of Fujian Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition