通过对水平管道内瓦斯爆炸传播火焰的厚度及其持续时间进行了实验研究 ,在该实验条件下所测得的实际火焰厚度较厚 ,比按传统的静态火焰模型计算出的结果大得多。在火焰传播过程中 ,火焰厚度变化的基本规律是 :靠近点火源的封闭端 ,火焰厚度较薄 ,火焰持续时间较短 ;距点火源较远处 ,火焰厚度较厚 ,持续时间较长。该实验结果为进一步的瓦斯爆炸机理研究及瓦斯爆炸阻隔爆装置的研制提供了可靠的实验数据。
The paper has an experimental research on the flame thickness and flame sustaining time of gas explosion in a horizontal tube. Under the experiment conditions, the measured flame thickness was thicker than the calculation results of the conventional static flame mode. During the flame expansion, the basic law of the flame thickness varied was that the flame thickness was thin and the flame sustaining time was short at the closed end of the fire sources and the flame thickness was thick and the flame sustaining time was longer at a long distance of the fire sources. The experimental results have provided a reliable experimental data for the further study on gas explosion mechanism and the development of explosion proof equipment.
Coal Science and Technology