信用缺失是目前阻碍我国市场建设的障碍之一。信用缺失不但扰乱了正常的市场秩序 ,提高了市场交易成本 ,减弱了市场功能的正常发挥 ,降低了市场效率 ,而且延缓了市场化取向改革的进程 ,甚至成为影响我国社会稳定的重要因素。充分认识信用缺失的危害 ,深入分析其生成机制 ,明确提出应对之策 ,对于促进市场建设 。
The absence of credit is one of obstacles to stop market from developing in China. It makes market in disorder, increases the cost of market transaction, weakens the role of market, lowers efficiency in market and becomes one element affecting social stability in our country. It is of importance to promote market building, to be aware of its harmfulness, to analyze its causes and to take some measures to deal with it.
Journal of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics