住房抵押贷款证券化作为一种金融创新 ,对法律制度的依存度较高。在我国目前的法律条件下开展该项业务还存在诸多法律障碍 ,如贷款银行转让住房抵押贷款缺乏法律依据 ,特设机构的设立、运作无法可依等等。要克服此不足 ,我们必须利用法律手段进一步规范住房抵押贷款的发放 ,建立以政府为主导的住房抵押担保和信用提高法律机制 ,在住房抵押贷款业务发展比较成熟的地区发展住房抵押贷款证券化的局部试点工作 。
As a kind of finance innovation, housing mortgage loan securities depends highly on law system. At present in China, there are still many obstacles. For example, when loan banks transfer housing mortgage loan securities, there is no law criteria related and there is no organs concerned. To overcome the difficulties, we should use laws to standardize housing mortgage loans, establish housing mortgage loan guarantee and credit to better mechanism of executing laws. On the basis of trial, we can improve other laws concerned.
Journal of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics