目前被动式氚取样器在国外取得了广泛的应用 ,它是基于气体分子扩散或渗透原理采集空气中氚化水蒸汽 ( HTO)样品的一种方法。本文对被动式氚取样器的工作原理从理论上进行了分析 ,用水蒸汽模拟实验测定了液闪计数瓶顶盖孔板直径分别为Φ 2~ 1 0 mm的几种取样器的扩散系数和等效取样流量 ,并在现场进行了初步应用。
Presently, passive HTO samplers are being widely used abroad. It samples HTO in air based on the principle of gas molecular diffusion and permeation. Based on the theoretical analyses of the principles underlying HTO sampler working, the diffusion coefficient and equivalent flowrate of a range of samplers with diffusion orifice Φ2~10 mm on the top plate were determined through water vapor simulation experiment.
Radiation Protection Bulletin