
全压堆芯补水箱内饱和蒸汽凝结特性分析及数值模拟 被引量:4

Characteristic Analysis and Numerical Simulation on Steam Condensation in Core Makeup Tank of AC600
摘要 基于对全压堆芯非能动注水系统中饱和闪蒸蒸汽在补水箱 (CMT)深度过冷厚筒壁和液面层凝结特性的分析,引入液相导热系数倍增因子和均温混合液层来反映汽流冲入 CMT上部液层对蒸汽直接接触凝结过程的强化作用,进而提出了相应的传热简化模型。借助数值模拟方法,初步预测了不同工况下 CMT中各时刻闪蒸蒸汽的凝结率,并与试验结果进行了比较。 Based on analysis on direct-contact condensation of high-pressure saturation steam in sub-cooled liquid within core makeup tank (CMT) for passive high-pressure injection system of AC600, liquid conductivity multiplication factor and uniform temperature mixing layer are introduced to reflect the strong effect on condensation, which are caused by vapor injecting into upper liquid layer. The simplified physical and mathematical modes are proposed for condensation heat transfer in cylinder wall and liquid region of CMT separately. A numerical simulation program is developed to calculate the steam condensation rates in CMT, and the simulation results are in good agreement with data obtained through experiment.
出处 《核动力工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第4期331-336,共6页 Nuclear Power Engineering
关键词 全压堆芯 补水箱 蒸汽凝结 特性分析 数值模拟 压水堆 闪蒸蒸汽 Computer simulation Heat transfer Mathematical models Reactor cores Steam condensate Water tanks
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