本文介绍了一种新型的任意波形发生器。它将传统仪器中的部分功能转移到计算机上来完成 ,而在使用时又不需带着计算机 ,因此具有功能强大 ,体积小 ,使用灵活 ,成本低廉等特点。本文简述其特点 ,硬件构成、软件设计与工作过程。实际应用表明该仪器工作可靠、精度与稳定度较高 ,成本低廉 ,具有较好的灵活性和实用价值 ,可广泛地用于需要灵活输出任意波形的科学研究 ,生产实践和教学实践等领域。单片机软件采用了 Keil/Franklin公司的 C5 1语言 ,并借鉴了 Windows的消息驱动机制 ,采用了以中断产生的标志作为消息标志的消息驱动机制 ,较好地解决了快速响应和处理过程耗时之间的矛盾 ,还可以有效地防止代码重入的问题 。
This paper introduced a new type general signal generator. It has two parts:one is curve edit software, the other is an instrument which outputs the signal with a wave form as the edited curve. Because the curve is edited by software, it is easy to design and to modify. Compare to other kind of signal generator, this general signal generator has many advantages, such as convenience for editing curves and easy to carry it, high precision and stability, low cost, etc. In this paper we will present the concept of this instrument, introduce construction of systems, explain the flow chart of the used software and show the examples of the output signal.
Chinese Journal of Electron Devices
国家自然基金 ( 1 96 75 0 1 1 )