介绍了新研制的以新疆石蜡基中性油和分散型乙丙共聚物为基础油、以新疆独山子生产的高碱性环烷酸钙为主要清净剂、恰当复合了其它金属清净剂的CD15W/40柴油机油的经济配方(总加剂量8.5%),经理化性质分析及Caterpillar 1G2和L-38台架试验评定,完全满足GB 11122-1997质量指标的要求。
The paper introduces the economical formula of new-developed CD15W/40 diesel engine oil (total 8.5%additives) in which Xinjiang Paraffin base neutral oil containing dispersive ethyl-propyl copolymer is base oil, Xinjiang Nushanzi produced high alkalescence calcium naphthenate is the main detergent and other additional metal detergents is rightly added. After analysis on physical and chemical characters and Caterpillar 1G2 and L-38 bench test evaluation, the oil completely satisfies the requirement of GB11122-1997 quality index.
Automobile Technology & Material