

Deepening Structural Reform and Perfecting Refined Oil Product Pricing Mechanisms
摘要 车用液化气是一种性能价格比优、符合环保标准的优质燃料,具有广阔的发展前景。上海市已拥有以液化石油气作燃料的改装汽车2.3万辆,液化气的日需求量为607.2吨,主要气源均是从国外进口。 In June 2000, China's oil product prices were integrated with prices in the international market. However, under the current pricing method, price adjustments are too slow and price integration is simple and mechanical. The management mode is still under the influence of the planned economy and its administrative management systems. So the prices of refined oil products are integrated with the international market only in form, and in reality the market mechanisms are not. Thus the market mechanisms cannot truly function to regulate market supply and demand and reasonably deploy resources. As for the management system, the guiding principles, functions and means of price administration fall out of step with the realities of structural reform. This not only restricts the active role and proper vitality of the existing oil price mechanisms, it also causes the detachment of the prices of some oil products from the integrated pricing mechanisms, making the oil price mechanisms and system incomplete. Therefore, it is suggested that the government further changes its management functions and help maintain market order mainly through indirect management to truly realize the new mode of service-oriented management, Meanwhile, the government should, based on the principle of unified responsibility and right, increase the autonomy of the two groups in setting oil prices in order to realize the organic integration of the oil product market mechanisms with the international market, in keeping with the real situation of the domestic market, so as to gradually bring about independent pricing of aviation kerosene, naphtha, heavy oil and other products in accordance with the characteristics of the production and marketing of the different oil products, and to strengthen the prices of special-purpose oils in accord with market regulations.
出处 《国际石油经济》 2001年第8期16-17,共2页 International Petroleum Economics
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