本文站在素质教育的高度 ,认为教师在现代教学中既应强调教法锤炼 ,同时又离不开对学生的学法指导。因此 ,教法锤炼与学法指导具有辩证统一的关系 ,二者不可分割。教法中包含着学法 ,学法里体现着教法 ,二者共处于教学过程之中。但教法和学法又是两个不同的教学主体 ,它们彼此相对独立 ,不可替代。
Based on the education of quality, this article shows that both the refinement of teaching methods and the instruction to learning methods should be emphasized in modern teaching. They are just one dialectical unity. on one hand, they coexist in the process of teaching and thus inseparable from each other. on the other hand, they are two different subjects in teaching and therefore relatively independent from each other.
Journal of Qingdao Education College