:网络教育正引起学校教育的深刻变革。因特网为教育提供了现代化的物质技术手段与条件 ,具有传统教育无法比拟的优势 ,但也对学生身心发展产生深刻影响 ,对学校德育工作构成挑战。主要表现在信息源对民族文化、传统习俗、价值观念的冲击上 ,使学生沉于网络之中而使人与人直接交往的机会减少 ,从而使学校对德育内容的调控失效 。
Inter net education is now leading to the transformation of school education.It has provided school education with modern technical means and conditions,which tradtional education can never parallel with.Inter net education has a deep influence on students development phsically and mentally and make them reduce contact with others and society,leading to the failure of school moral education.
Journal of Taiyuan Institute of Education