人本主义人格理论中的“自我”观是在哲学、心理学有关“自我”研究的基础上发展起来的。人本主义人格理论以马斯洛、罗杰斯为代表 ,把“自我”看成是能动的、积极向上的统一体 ,认为“自我”的力量是巨大的 ,强调自我潜能与人性的充分发挥 ,充分展现了人类善良、自由、积极向上的一面。但由于忽视社会文化、脱离社会实践 ,这种自我实现最终只是一种虚构。马克思主义认为 ,人的本质“是一切社会关系的总和” ,自我实现离不开社会实践 ,是个体在特定社会条件下 ,通过自身社会实践活动 ,促进人格不断发展的过程。
The view of self in Humanism personality theory is developed based on philosophy and psychology. Theories of Maslow and Roger's are typical of Humanism. They consider self as a dynamic and active ens and emphasize full exertion of self potential and personality,which show an aspect of kind,free,and active personality. On the other hand,self-realization is just a kind of makeup,for it ignores social culture and deviates social practice.
Journal of Teachers College of Shanxi University