在经济全球化过程中,发展中国家控制和把握经济主权的能力受到一定程度的冲击和削弱,这种冲击和削弱来自于经济全球化对国家自主经济权的制约,也来自于国际经济组织和跨国公司的侵蚀。因此,发展中国家要想维护本国的经济主权,首要的是融入经济全球化,最大限度地发展本国的经济,同时在具体的运行过程中防范各种危机,加强国际合作,注意到国家之间相互协调的主旋律。同时要认识到以主权平等为内容的国家主权平等原则并未过时。 要警惕防范各种形式的新干涉主义干涉和影响发展中国家的政治体制及经济发展进程。
In the course of the economic globalization,the developing countries' economic sovereignty has been to some extent impacted on and impaired by the restraints of the economic globalization on the developing countries' economic organization as well as by the in roads of the international economic organizations and multi- national corporations.As a result,the developing countries,if they want to maintain their economic sovereignty,have to maximally develop their own economics,to involve the mselves in the economic globalization,to strengthe the international cooperation and at the same time to prevent various crises in their economic operation.
Journal of Jiangxi Institute of Education