相对命题作文而言 ,命意作文对学生分析判断能力的要求更高 ,在启发构思立意和引发话题方面能提供更多的方便。命意作文离不开材料 ,而如何将材料的选择与作文训练的具体目的结合起来考虑 ,又是涉及到此种作文训练成败的关键。本文就此进行了初步探讨 ,从而为解决选择材料服务于训练目的这一问题提供了一些具体办法。
Compared with the composition with appointed title, the composition with appointed materials set a hihger demand on student’s analyzing ability and provide more room for students to work out conceptions and find topics. Since the composition with appointed materials can’t be detached from materials, the key point lies in whether the chosen materials is suitable to the aim of composition training. In this article,the writer has a preliminary discussion on the rpobolem of how to choose the suitable materials which can serve the aim of composition training, and offers a few concrete solutions to it.
Journal of Shenyang College of Education