计算机辅助教学目前尚未形成一个规范化的态势 ,更未有一个科学的评价体系来引导。合理的计算机辅助教学应该是一种以学生为学习主体 ,以教师为主导 ,以课件为主动学习 ,促进思维的手段 ,以培养学生的能力、发展学生的智力为目的的课堂教学结构。在师范教育中探讨一种用“教师是主导 ,学生是主体”原则构建的、以培养学生主体人格素质带动“学、教、研”综合素质培养为目的的计算机辅助教学模式将引发一场深刻的变革。
The Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) has not taken shape in its standardization,nor has it been directed by a scientific system of evaluation.A rational CAI should be such a classroom teaching structure as taking students as a subject,teachers as a guide,the teaching software as a means to improve students' thinking,and the development of students' ability and intelligence as a goal.This paper probes into a CAI mode which,on the principle'teachers being a guide,students being a subject',cultivates students' learning teaching research competence through the cultivation of their principal personality quality.
Journal of Shijiazhuang Teachers College
河北高等教育研究项目 ( 98B-2 8)