高师声乐教育在加强歌曲表现的同时 ,要注意培养学生的艺术思想修养 ,二者密不可分。一首完美的声乐艺术作品 ,它不仅要求运用良好的声音技巧来处理歌曲 ,而且还要对作品有深刻的理解。通过思维把歌曲内容形象变成有感情的歌声 ,这也是歌唱者思想修养、文学艺术修养的体现。
In vocal music education at teachers college,teachers should cultivate the students' artistic attainment when they strive to teach how to sing better. These two aspects are closely connected. A piece of perfect vocal music requires not only the excellent vocal techniques to express but also the deep comprehension of the songs.A proper comprehension can turn the contents of songs into the emotional melody,thus reflecting singers' accomplishment of thought and art.
Journal of Shijiazhuang Teachers College