天然气将成为 2 1世纪人类的第一能源。天然气联合循环发电是当今世界先进的发电方式。为适应我国经济高速发展的需要 ,有计划地发展一些天然气联合循环发电机组是必要的。目前我国的天然气价格比较高 ,若能将天然气价格降至 0 .80元 /m3以下 。
Natural gas will be the first energy resource in the twenty-first century. Natural gas combined cycle power-generation is the advanced way to generate power in the world at the present time. To suit the needs of rapid economic development in our country, it is necessary to develop some power plants using natural gas combined cycle in a planned way. At present, the price of natural gas is comparatively high, if the price can be lowered to below 0.8 Yuan/m 3, then the natural gas combined cycle power-generation will compete with the conventional coal-fired power plants in the economic aspect.
Thermal Power Generation