通过对镇海电厂燃气轮发电机组噪声测试 ,提出燃气轮发电机组的噪声种类 ,说明既要降低箱体四周的噪声 ,又要降低燃机顶部高位噪声的污染。基于噪声测试数据 ,用频谱曲线方式表达各声源频率的大小变化、分布情况 ,找出共性特征 ;从各声源频率的具体变化特性透析其噪声机理 ,从而抓住典型特征 ,提出局部治理的方案及注意点。在此基础上归纳总结 ,提出综合治理方案 。
The types of noise from gas turbine generator set are listed. It has been pointed out that, not only the effects of the noise around gas turbine enclosure on operational persons, but also the noise pollution from the equipment mounted on the roof of gas turbine enclosure upon the surrounding residence, should be controlled, Based on the measured data, the frequency change of each noise source and its distribution are expressed with curves of frequency spectrum, and the common characteristics of different noise sources are found. By studying the particular frequency change of each noise source, the mechanism of noise was thoroughly understood, so the typical features were grasped and a local control scheme and precautions had been proposed, By summing up all the local control measures, an overall control move for noise was presented, decreasing effectively the cost for lowering the noise level.
Thermal Power Generation