原黄埔发电厂 6号锅炉上的MB型高温内窥式工业电视炉膛火焰监视系统结构复杂 ,故障率较高。针对这种情况 ,进行了技术改造 ,更换为HLV Ⅱ型炉膛火焰监视工业电视系统 ,该系统的最大特点是单一风冷 ,摄像机和镜头置于炉墙外 ,结构合理 ,图像清晰。改造后的系统维护工作量小 ,备品。
The original MB type furnace flame supervisory system of high temperature endoscopic industrial TV in Unit 6 boiler of Huangpu Power Plant was of complicated structure and high failure rate; as a result, it was replaced with HLV Ⅱtype system, which is of rational structure and sharp images, requiring air cooling only and having its cameras and lens located outside the furnace wall. The modification results are satisfactory, both maintenance of the system and the consumption of spare parts reduced.
Guangdong Electric Power