介绍了进行家用电器声质量评价的两种方法 :应用主观评价方法——成对比较法 (PairComparison Method)对家用空调器噪声进行主观评价和基于 Zwicker理论的噪声客观评价方法 ,同时还介绍了一个应用声质量改进空调器的实例 ,改进后其响应从 5 .995 sone降至 5 .135 sone,尖锐度从 1.6 2 9acum降至 1.16 5 acum。
This paper presents a subjective evaluation technique using pair comparison statistical evaluation methods for evaluating the noise character of room air conditioners and describes an objective evaluation system based on Zwicker's theory. At the end of this paper, an example of application of the technique to improve the noise character of a room air conditioner is offered. After improvement, the total loudness was reduced from 5.995 to 5.135 sone and the sharpness was reduced from 1.629 to 1.165 acum.
Journal of Vibration,Measurement & Diagnosis